
Year End Post

In the time honored tradition of summarizing the year that has been while looking forward to what lies ahead this post will do just that. It has been an amazing year, filled with all sorts of I don’t know what. Good for sure, some absolutely bad, a whole lot of confusion and an endless supply of hope, dreams and desires. It has been a year that was marked by some turning points and potentially exciting new life direction. The biggest events of the year, at least for me, have been the loss of one job and the beginning of another. This change, has, in all likeliehood more or less, ( need another modifier) ended my coaching career, at least as a career. I will always love the sport and will likely stay involved at least somewhat in coaching, but as far as a 9-5, 100% of my income, coaching is likely done. Given my past history with the profession I am hesitant to say this with certainty, but the move to teaching in China and with it the end of my current coaching tenure will hopefully lead me to bigger and better things.

So…on to the lists:

Top CD’s

1. Fiona Apple - Extraordinary Machine, This album was my most listened to this year and remains a great listen even after over 100 plays. This was also the soundtrack to my London Trip which tends to add to the intrigue of a disk.
2. Wolf Parade - Apologies to the Queen Mary, This is the most upbeat album that got continuous listen this year. Helped me get through numerous workouts this year. Wolf Parade has a unique sound that is unlike anything else in my collection.
3. Regina Spektor- Begin to Hope, This is one of the most recent purchases and has quickly jumped its way towards most listened to status. Spektor has been compared to Fiona Apple, but uses her voice in unique ways. Very poppy record with strong vocals, lyrics and instrumentals.
4. Clap Your Hands Say Yeah- Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, this self titled album has a unique sound with interesting vocals and odd lyrics. Sometimes a bit much, but overall a great listen regardless of mood.
5. The Magic Numbers- The Magic Numbers, another self titled album this is a very good pop record featuring great vocals and a slower tempo. This British band has still hovered somewhat under the radar, but should be considered on par with anything the US has put out this year.

Top Purchases

1. My Macbook Pro. I love it and do just about everything with it. Purchased in preparation for China it has already proved its worth many times over.
2. Cannondale R1000. This was purchased after my foray into the crazy and very adictive world of triathlons. A great ride that is fast. I will miss it next spring on the first warm days in Beijing.
3. Plane Ticket to Beijing. At the same time the coolest and scariest purchase of the year. Departure February 16th.
4. Nikon D50. This is a great camera that has inspired more photography than has every filled my life in the past.
5. Stock. I started my life as an adult and began investing this year.

And finally…what 2007 will bring. I guess the correct answer is who knows. 2006 was nothing like I expected it to be and I am sure that my vision of what 2007 will be like is nothing like what it actually will be. I do know that 2007 will be filled with new adventures in a new nation. Hopefully there will be continued success at FHC. I hope that 2007 is as satisfying as 2006 and that I stay as happy as I have been this year. If it is, it will be another great year. I hope that you check in here regularly and that I actually update regularly. Have a Happy New Year!