
Just Before I Leave

I am writing this at the beginning of an adventure, a massive time of change in my life and hopefully the beginning of many good stories. In a few days I depart to China and all of the experiences, excitement and challenges that come with a move of this stature. As I have become more and more prepared for this journey, I have been simultaneously filled with exuberance and trepidation. I know that this is all part of experiencing the unknown, but it still is jolting to experience it in full force.

I am going to be living in Changping, just north of Beijing. Housing has been provided for me at the school I am working at, taking the headache of finding a residence out of my hands. The weather is pretty similar to here in Grand Rapids, though they are currently in the midst of the warmest winter on record (thank you global warming). Those that have suffered through “the Blizzard of ’07” will want to know that it has been 50-60 and sunny every day for the last week, a trend which looks to continue for at least the near future.

I feel an odd, undeniable need to tell everyone that I come across (especially strangers) that I am about to move to China. I realize that I sound like a crazy person when I do this, but I cannot stop. I am making asinine comments such as; I am glad that I came in when I did to try out your new menu since I leave for China in a week and will be unable to come here again before then. The poor waitress does not care. It is interesting and unusual but not so much as I have made it out to be. It is not something that everyone needs to know about. I am not, for instance, running for President, something that you should probably tell everyone that you encounter so that they know and will vote for you. I am simply undertaking a new and exciting life experience. A change of scenery and a chance for a new beginning.

It will be an adventure; one that I will share with you here and through my stories and pictures when I return home. Thank you all for your support, thoughts and prayers in the coming months.

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