
Stupidity and Frustration...

I am totally in love with China...most of the time. It does seem however, that every time I have all of these warm feelings towards my adopted home, the government goes and does something idiotic. I have written about my questions with predicting the weather for the Olympics over a year in advance previously. A recent article sets new standards in environmental destruction and poorly thought through tourism. The Chinese government has recently announced that they are planning to build a "highway" up Everest. Their plan is to have a paved roadway to base camp, making the path that the Olympic Torch will follow much easier to navigate. This will cost millions of dollars, money that certainly could be spent more intelligently on education, village infrastructure, farming advances, drought prevention, reforestation, or pretty much anything...maybe even government officials salaries would be a better use of this money, at least that way some of the money would be pumped back into the Chinese economy.


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