
United States Olympic Training Center

Hello from Colorado Springs! This place is amazing. The amount of resources available to the athletes that are in residence here, or just visiting is a clear indication why we, the U.S. are firmly at the top of the international sporting hierarchy. Those athletes that are lucky enough to have these resources at their fingertips can totally focus on their training and preperation with the best facilities as well as an awesome support staff.

The cafeteria is open throughout the day and allows for a quick “recovery” snack as well as full course meals. The food this morning was among the best cafeteria food I have had. Everything in the line has nutrition and serving information to ensure that athletes that are closely watching what they eat are fully informed about what is going into their body. The walls of the cafeteria are decorated with pictures and posters from past Olympcis, as well as past Olympians and are highlighted with the words of famours athletes, including Lance Armstrong. Looking about the room I recognized some faces, most notable Apolo Anton Ohno, Short Track Speed Skater. The opportunity to rub elbows with athletes of this caliber inspires one to push themselves day in and day out.

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