
Third Place

the emotional response to things is so often tempered by expectations. The recent D2 State Meet was a perfect example of this. The Forest Hills Central Girl’s swam out of their minds. I could not be more proud of what they accomplished at this meet. At Conference, everyone that tapered and shaved posted lifetime bests. This was duplicated by the State Team. The six girl’s whose primary focus was State all posted lifetime bests in at least three swims, an amazing accomplishment that I have never had with any other team. This is a testament to their hard work, determination to succeed and willingness to work towards their goals….ah, those pesky goals again. Going into the State Meet our goal was to be either First or Second. In Forest Hills, this means that we get a banner hung from the pool rafters. The performance that we turned in was the best I have ever had at a State Meet. We swam fast in everything and just missed 2nd by 10 points. We even broke a State Record, but were beat to the wall. It was kind of a reacurring theme all weekend. That said, there was some consolation. We broke two school records, had the aforementioned lifetime bests across the board and added a few Sectional Cuts, Junior National Cuts, Class Records etc., etc. That said, the fact that we did not achieve our goal left us somewhat confused as to how we did. We knew that we swam out of our minds, that we swam as fast as we ever had, but still, we missed out on our goal, we did not accomplish what we set out to do. This was one of the fastest Division Two Meets of all time, but saying that this was the reason that we got 3rd would be an excuse. Third is still a step up from a year ago and to be the third best team in the State is nothing to feel bad about. I am so proud of the girls and everything that they accomplished. Second would have been icing on the cake, but third is not too shabby, especially when they swam as well as they did.

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