
My Journey...Part 1 of many

I apologize for the slow response of emails and no postings so far. I have arrived in China safely and have had a good trip so far. You will have seen that this is, however, a new address for my blog. It seems that my blog is blocked in China, well, actually all wordpress blogs are blocked so I am unable to update the site I had sent out earlier. Please change your bookmarks accordingly since I will be unable to update my .wordpress blog at any point during my trip. Thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers in these initial days in China.


Rosangela Canino-Koning said...

Glad to hear you are ok!

I look forward to reading about your further adventures. :)

Rosangela Canino-Koning said...

Just looked at your flickr photos. I didn't know you were a "photog". ;)

Anonymous said...

good to hear from you. This is such a cool deal and i am excited for you. Not many people invite change as a way of growth. Most of us fight it even though it is inevitable. I commend you for wanting to grow and change and getting way out of your comfort zone to do so. I am sure you stick out like a crazy white giant but a good looking one at that. Thanks for blessing us with your time at Keystone and we can't wait to have you back. Good luck and we'll stay in touch.